Professor Hildebrand chairs Advisory Committee on Private Cartel Damage Enforcement at the ICC, Paris

Economic issues are of increasing importance in cartel damages cases. The legal issues are mostly clear by now so that the determination of cartel damages is in the focus. The ICC has set up an Advisory Committee on this subject, which is chaired by Professor Hildebrand. Together with experts from academia and private practice, this Advisory Committee supports the work of the private enforcement group.

Professor Hildebrand chairs an Advisory Committee at the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) in Paris that supports the work of the ICC Task Force on Antitrust Damages Actions. The Advisory Committee will bring together leading economists and academics from Europe, the UK, the US and Asia.


The topic of "Antitrust Damages Actions" has a high priority at the ICC. On 15 December 2023, the ICC published a 2nd edition of a compendium on cartel damages claims. The 2nd edition summarizes the latest developments in antitrust litigation in a number of key jurisdictions, including Brazil, China, France and Germany. The report covers 350 court cases from 19 jurisdictions around the world. The aim of this 2nd compendium was to provide guidance on antitrust litigation practices and to raise awareness of the trends that are developing across borders. For more information, click here.

In 2024 and 2025, the Advisory Committee, chaired by Professor Hildebrand, will add an economic perspective to these developments.