Steel Day 2020: Professor Doris Hildebrand reports on steel cartels and damage estimations
Different cartel constellations in the steel sector have a long history. With her experience, Professor Hildebrand is one of the most sought-after economic experts, particularly in the field of steel cartels. Due to her great expertise and specialisation in economic analyses and competition assessments in cartel proceedings, Professor Hildebrand is a valued advisor for major clients, but also works as NGA/governmental advisor to the German Cartel Office and is a member of the ICC Competition Commission. At the Steel Day 2020 in Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hildebrand gave interesting insights into the topics:
Damage estimation steel cartels
- Economic functioning of steel cartels
- Identification of affected companies
- Indication of the possible amount of damage
- Procedure for estimating damages in practice (data requirements, etc.)
If you are interested, you can also watch the lecture on
Stahl Tag 2020 - Professor Hildebrand