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Steel Day 2020: Professor Doris Hildebrand reports on steel cartels and damage estimations

Competition economist Prof. Dr. Dr. Doris Hildebrand informs on Steel Day 2020 in Frankfurt about steel cartels, their history and backgrounds with damage estimates.

Different cartel constellations in the steel sector have a long history. With her experience, Professor Hildebrand is one of the most sought-after economic experts, particularly in the field of steel cartels. Due to her great expertise and specialisation in economic analyses and competition assessments in cartel proceedings, Professor Hildebrand is a valued advisor for major clients, but also works as NGA/governmental advisor to the German Cartel Office and is a member of the ICC Competition Commission. At the Steel Day 2020 in Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Dr. Hildebrand gave interesting insights into the topics:


Damage estimation steel cartels


  • Economic functioning of steel cartels
  • Identification of affected companies
  • Indication of the possible amount of damage
  • Procedure for estimating damages in practice (data requirements, etc.)

If you are interested, you can also watch the lecture on


Stahl Tag 2020 - Professor Hildebrand