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Professor Dr. Dr. Doris Hildebrand

Professor Dr. Dr. Doris Hildebrand, LL.M.

Professor Doris Hildebrand is founder and managing partner of EE&MC - European Economic & Marketing Consultants GmbH with offices in Düsseldorf, Brussels, Paris and Vienna. EE&MC is specialised in the preparation of expert opinions on competition economics since 1992.

Professor Hildebrand has an extensive expertise in a wide range of antitrust issues in which she works/worked for more than 200 clients. As a sworn-in and certified expert in competition economics (since 2008), Professor Hildebrand is also commissioned by courts to provide expert opinions on various competition matters. 

Professor Hildebrand is a Non-Governmental Adviser (NGA) to the German Federal Cartel Office since 2015 and participates in this capacity in the work of the International Competition Network (ICN). Professor Hildebrand is also active in the Competition Commission of the ICC since 2000. She currently chairs the Advisory Committee of the Private Antitrust Damages Task Force at the ICC. 

Professor Hildebrand is teaching at the University Sorbonne in Paris since 2019 and conducts research at the University Nanterre, also Paris. Previously, Professor Hildebrand was active in research and teaching at the University of Brussels from 2010-2019. She holds a master's degree (1987) and a doctorate (1990) in economics from the University of Economics, Vienna, Austria. She obtained from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel her second doctorate in law in 1998 and her LL.M. degree in 1992. In 1989/90, Professor Hildebrand was a researcher  at the Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. Professor Hildebrand's academic career includes four years teaching (1994-1998) as Associate Professor at the University of Groningen and one year teaching (1991) as Assistant Professor at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. 

Professor Hildebrand's current specialisations and research interests are market definition and market power assessment in digital markets as well as the European citizen welfare concept in EU competition law.

Among her publications on competition economics her book "The Role of Economic Analysis in the EU Competition Rules - The European School", currently in its 4th edition is outstanding. In view of the increasing importance of competition economics, the book is considered a standard work of reference in European competition law. Her in-depth economic approach to competition law, also known as the European School, is unique and anchored in EU law. Professor Hildebrand is currently working on the fifth edition of her book, in which she further develops the European school of thought, which she founded in 1998 under the supervision of then EU competition Commissioner Karel van Miert.

Professor Hildebrand is married and has four children.

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