European Competition Experts (ECE): New offices of the associated research institute in Maastricht, the Netherlands
European Competition Experts (ECE), founded in 2013, is an associated research institute of EE&MC based in Maastricht, in the Netherlands. The design of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based dynamic pricing models is a current research flagship project of ECE.
The increase in the use of dynamic pricing models in consumer markets that is based on AI causes antitrust concerns. Current antitrust analysis is built on static markets i.e. by using historical price-elasticity data. Nowadays, with the emergence of dynamic pricing models, markets are no longer static, but rather dynamic. The common methods for market simulations do not consider the new dynamic nature of markets in an appropriate way. Therefore, new market simulation models need to be developed.
It is ECE’s research goal to create a market simulation tool that considers market dynamics which will inherently lead to more accurate cartel damage estimations for example. By doing so, ECE puts itself at the edge of competition economics where it is among the first ones worldwide to solve the issue of AI-based dynamic pricing strategies, thus being able to simulate dynamically moving (digital) markets.
ECE in Maastricht consists of an interdisciplinary team of lawyers, data scientists, and software programmers. With a large and international university, the University of Maastricht provides a talented pool of students and graduates from different disciplines. For that reason, ECE was expanding its premises recently in Maastricht, allowing itself to create a constructive working environment in one of the most international cities in Europe.
For additional information, we ask you to contact us:
Herrn Bohdi Bakker LL.B.,
T +31 43 851 74 76