Pre-ICN 2022 Forum "A New Enforcement Era begins" - Professor Hildebrand on cartel enforcement in Berlin
Professor Hildebrand, NGA to the German Bundeskartellamt was among the speakers at this year's Pre-ICN 2022 Forum "A New Enforcement Era begins".
The event "Pre-International Competition Network (Pre-ICN)" in Berlin in 2022 was jointly organised by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the IBA Antitrust Section.
The panel on "Cartel enforcement: new trends" was elaborate that dawn raids are back on the agenda with enforcers intent on showing that enforcement was not hampered by the pandemic. The panel also discussed innovation cartels, labor market cartels, buyers’ cartels and reference prices, as well as consequences for business compliance efforts. The panel also focused on leniency and the question of how it can regain its appeal to companies, especially in times of huge damage claims. Finally, the consequences of international cooperation among enforcers were discussed.
Professor Hildebrand's presentation focused on private enforcement. As competition economist she has an extensive know how on the working of cartels.
Pre-International Competition Network Forum 2022: A New Enforcement Era Begins